Love Blend Set
sandalwood | cinnamon | vanilla
This set includes;
200ml Nourishing Body Oil
100ml Essential Mist
250gm Love Salts
The soft sweet smell of vanilla combines with the warm earthy scent of sandalwood and just a touch of spicy cinnamon to create an indulgent blend.
Here's the perfect recipe for relaxation;
Run a warm bath and empty the contents of the Love Salts box and allow them to dissolve. In the meantime light a few candles and spray the Essential Mist a few times above your head in the centre of the bathroom.
Pour yourself a glass of water and keep it close to the bath, keep your bottle of Nourishing Body Oil close at hand too. Make sure you have a bath pillow or towel rolled up to rest your head on. Move the bath water around to make sure the salts have mixed in properly. When ready gently lower yourself into the bath...ahhh!
Take a sip of water. Make yourself comfortable and rest your head on the pillow. Visualise each part of your body relaxing, start at your feet, work up your calves and thighs...feel the tension releasing from your buttocks and back, your belly and arms your neck and shoulders and finally your head. Feel the muscles in your jaw relax; move your attention up to your temples and forehead.
Remain still for a few minutes and feel your whole body release all it's tension. Visualise the tension dissolving into the bath water and when you are ready pull the plug to see it all drain away!
Stay in the bath, while your skin is still wet massage in the Nourishing Body Oil. Start at your feet and work your way up your body feeling a charge of love and energy entering each part of your body as you go. When done gently towel dry and carefully step out of the bath. Your skin should feel soft and fragrant and your mind relaxed and energised.
There are many kinds of love, the physical love between two people, the love a mother feels for her child, the love you have for a friend, the love of food. With this Lotus Child blend we are focusing on the love of self. Loving ones self is vitally important for self esteem and taking time out to acknowledge that love helps increase our sense of self.
Peace and love to you!
We do not recommend hot baths with any of our
preparations. Don't stay in a hot bath for longer than 10-15 minutes.
Sip water to avoid dehydration and don't have a hot bath if you have
blood pressure problems or immediately after strenuous exercise.